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Vaccination Information

Seasonal Respiratory Vaccines 2024

Seasonal respiratory vaccines will be available starting September 30, 2024.

If you are a current patient of The Villages Health,

please call 844-TVH-WELL (844-884-9355) to schedule now.

Influenza (flu) vaccines: will be available starting September 30, 2024, and are encouraged for patients of all ages.  TVH has the high-dose flu vaccine for patients 65 and older and the low-dose flu vaccine for our patients under 65 years of age.

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) vaccines: will be available starting September 30, 2024.  RSV Vaccine is given one time after 60 years of age for patients at high risk of developing lower respiratory tract disease.  Please consult with your primary care provider to determine if this vaccine is appropriate for you.

Respiratory vaccines are given Monday through Friday from 1-3 pm at our primary care locations.

Patients are encouraged to reach out to their primary care provider team with any questions regarding vaccines.


2024 Respiratory Vaccine FAQ’s

  1. Can a patient receive a vaccine if he or she is sick with a respiratory infection?
  • A person can still receive a vaccine if the illness is mild such as a mild cold or sinus infection. Patients should be fever free.
  1. A patient recently had Covid or had a Covid vaccine. How long should the patient wait before getting another one?
  • Generally wait at least 3 months after a Covid infection
  • Generally consider Covid vaccine every 6 months
  1. How often does a patient get an RSV vaccine?
  • Currently only one-time single dose for patients 60 years and over. For patients 50-59 at risk for lower respiratory tract disease may receive a one-time single dose at the discretion of their healthcare provider.
  1. Can a patient have more than one vaccine at a time? Can a patient get the flu, Covid and RSV vaccines the same day?
  • Arexvy manufacturer GSK currently only recommends co-administration with flu vaccine.
  1. If a patient wants to space out the vaccines, how long should the vaccines be spaced apart?
  • Per CDC recommendations, there is currently no recommended waiting time between respiratory vaccines. Shared clinical decision-making should take place between the patient and the healthcare provider to determine the best course of action for the patient.
  1. Can a patient get more than one vaccine at the same spot?
  • It is advised to space multiple vaccine injections administered at the same visit at least 1 inch apart and consider using opposite arms when administering more than one vaccine.

**Patients are encouraged to speak with their healthcare provider for any questions prior to receiving vaccines**



Brownwood Care Center
2910 Brownwood Blvd.
The Villages, FL 32163

Colony Care Center
280 Farner Pl.
The Villages, FL 32163

Creekside Care Center
1050 Old Camp Rd.,  Bldg. 100
The Villages, FL 32162

Lake Deaton Care Center
779 Kristine Way
The Villages, FL 32163

Mulberry Grove Care Center
8877 SE 165 Mulberry Ln.
The Villages, FL 32162

Pinellas Care Center
2485 Pinellas Pl.
The Villages, FL 32162

Santa Barbara Care Center
1575 Santa Barbara Blvd.
The Villages, FL 32159

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Once you're in the appointment, you don't feel rushed. You feel like you're given all the time you need to explain the problem.

Art Minier, Patient at Creekside Care Center