How to Prevent Injuries While Living a Healthy, Active Lifestyle
Ease Into Your New Active Lifestyle
When you move to The Villages® and surrounding community it is such an exciting time. There is so much for you to do and explore. Your first reaction might be to jump in full force with new activities.
“I see a lot of patients who jump into their new active lifestyle too quickly and suffer injuries, like tendonitis or fractures,” says Dr. Sullivan, an orthopaedic surgeon at The Villages Health.
Dr. Sullivan recommends easing into a new active routine. “Don’t start with a full schedule right away. Ease into it.”
Limit Hard Workouts to 2-3 Times Per Week
“The active senior should be cautious not to overuse their body parts,” says Dr. Sullivan. “In the past, you might have been able to complete hard workouts 4-6 times per week, but you may need to start limiting them to 2-3 times per week.”
Integrate Moderate to Light Exercises on Off Days
You can integrate lighter workouts on your off days for an active rest. “Tai chi and core exercises are great for keeping your strength and balance,” says Dr. Sullivan.
Those line dances in the square aren’t just for entertainment, they are also great for active recovery.
Don’t Forget to Rest In Between Workouts
As you get older, your body doesn’t repair as quickly as it used to. That means extensive exercise can be tough on your body. “You need to give your body a chance to rest and recover in between workouts,” says Dr. Sullivan. “Listen to your body.”
Talk to Your Doctor About Pain or Injuries
If you experience consistent pain during or after a workout, or suffer from an injury, you may need to consult an orthopaedic specialist.
“We recommend talking to your primary care doctor first, and he or she will recommend next steps,” says Dr. Sullivan.
The orthopaedic specialists at The Villages Health are here to help, from tendinitis to sprains and fractures; we’ve got you covered. If you are interest in learning more about our service, please call 352-205-4032.