According to the CDC, “more than 100 million U.S. adults are now living with diabetes or pre-diabetes.” Diabetes occurs when your body cannot produce the correct amount of insulin in order to maintain a normal glucose level. There is not a cure for type 2 diabetes, but there are many ways to prevent and manage the condition.
- Maintain a Healthy Weight: Being overweight is one of the main risk factors for developing diabetes. Every pound you lose reduces your risk substantially.
- Make Healthy Food Choices: You want to practice healthy food habits, like eating 5 total servings of fruits and vegetables daily. You also want to eat plenty of fiber. Fiber improves blood sugar control. Whole grains also help maintain blood sugar levels.
- Drink Plenty of Water: According to the Mayo Clinic, adequate daily water intake for men is about 16 cups and for women is about 12 cups. Avoid sugar-sweetened beverages like soda and juice because they are linked to obesity and diabetes.
- Go Outside and Exercise: Physical activity helps you lose weight, lower your blood sugar and boosts your sensitively to insulin. Enjoy the beautiful outdoors and walk daily for 30 minutes.
- Get a Good Night’s Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep every night. Poor quality of sleep and sleep deprivation can increase your risk for diabetes and obesity.
If you practice these tips, you are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes.