Is it a Cold or is it the Flu?
During the fall and winter season, you are more likely to get sick. The problem is that sometimes it is hard to know if you just have a cold or if it is more severe, like the flu. We want you to stay healthy this winter! Below are some of the key differences between the common cold and the influenza virus, according to the CDC.
- Symptoms are gradual.
- Normally you do not have a fever.
- You typically will not have aches and chills.
- Rarely will you have fatigue and weakness.
- It is common to sneeze and have a stuffy nose.
- Sore throats are common.
- Coughs and chest discomfort are mild to moderate.
- Headaches are rare.
- Symptoms are abrupt.
- Fevers are common.
- Aches and chills are fairly common.
- Fatigue and weakness is usual.
- Sometimes you will sneeze and have a stuffy nose, but not always.
- Sometimes you will have a sore throat, but not always.
- Cough and chest discomfort is common and more severe.
- Headaches are common.