Get to the Root of Your Pain
Our team of interventional pain specialists offer proven, safe and effective treatments which eliminate or reduce chronic pain. From the very start, you know you are in good hands with The Villages Health Interventional Pain team. You will receive a thorough evaluation of your particular pain problem to get at the root of the issue. This will usually involve a detailed history, physical exam and review of your past and current medical history. If further diagnostic procedures are required to determine what is causing your pain, we use the latest in diagnostic technology. Whether your pain is due to headaches, backaches or stroke, neurological disorders, or something else, we will together with you to identify the source of your pain and eliminate or reduce it and help you manage it.
Pain Management Conditions
Meet our pain management team and use the list below to explore the conditions we treat.
- Low Back Pain
- Slip Disc/Lumbar Radiculopathy
- Spinal Stenosis Disc herniation
- DDD Facet Arthritis
- Sacroilitis
- Verbal compression Fracture
- Cervical disc bulge
- Cervical
- Facetal Arthritis
- Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Complex
Regional Syndrome
- Post Herpetic &Intercostal Neuralgia
- Diabetic neuropathy
- Shoulder/Arm/Elbow/Leg/Knee & foot
chronic pain
- Trigeminal Neuralgia
- SI Fixation Surgery
- Minimal Invasive Lumbar Decompression
- Intractable headaches (migraine, Cluster,
Chronic Daily, cervicogenic, occipital
neuralgia, tension)
- Neck Pain
- Sciatica
- Post chemotherapy pain
- Ischemic leg pain
- Herniated Disc Pain
- Sacroiliac Joint Pain (SI Joint Pain)
- Failed Back Surgery Syndrome
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (RSD)
- Painful Herpes Zoster (Shingle)
- Muscle Pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Occipital Neuralgia
- Second Opinion
- Vertiflex Stenosis Device